Pregnancy! Wow, I can't believe this time has arrived. I am grateful and so over the moon excited that we are here today and thankful for those I have had during this time for their unconditional love and support. You all mean the world to me. Thank you!
First Trimester: Very different from my first to say the least, I'm not having morning sickness.. yet but trust me it came about 6 times after. At the beginning I was not hungry at all and meat was my worst enemy. I was constantly tired, literally would try to watch a movie or show with my family after dinner and I never made it through it was pointless. Luckily they are the best anyone could ask for. What 9 year old do you know that tries to take care of you and make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins everyday? there isn't many and I'd say I raised her pretty darn well to have such a big heart and care for her mom the way that she does. Later, I did start to get some of an appetite back but not much; fruit smoothies, popcorn and other random stuff were my saviors and the "Preggie pops" I bought from amazon were fantastic and tasted like candy. At this point, we live very far away from family due to my husbands job. They have no clue we were trying and when we got the good news we wanted nothing more but to tell them in person, tricky due to the whole pandemic still going on but we figured out a plan and it was the best time ever. Our family flew out to see us and stayed for about a week as soon as they walked in the door they were greeted by my dogs who secretly had bandanas on that said "Guess what? Mom's Pregnant!" took a little time for them to see it but it was so worth the actual reaction vs virtually when sometimes connections aren't that great or you just aren't there to share that hug or sit together and pass the ultrasound pictures and guessing what the gender may be. At this point you are aren't showing at all just maybe a little bloated and you want people to know because you overjoyed with the news but trust me it comes in the second trimester. You will be in the stage when you are showing but not enough and people probably think you are fat, that is okay take it in stride.
First things first checklist: Eat healthy as much as you can because everything goes to your baby and you will pay the consequences later, also it is much easier on the stomach. Invest in what you need during pregnancy, a pillow is a must because eventually you will not be as comfortable as you were 10 weeks ago. Get your baby daddy must read books from amazon because they should be there to help you whether it's with massages, food, and understanding of your moods and changes in your body. Stay active: I cannot stress this enough, if you stay active and do kegels at least 3 times a day as well as walking because this will in tern help you during the birthing process. The lack of exercise puts you at risk for complications or going into labor early if you decide to overdue something you haven't done in months, also will make it much harder for you to get back in shape. Don't overdo anything that you weren't already doing taking everything in stride and talk to your doctor because there are so many health benefits to working out still while pregnant.
Second Trimester: Ahh this time during pregnancy is much more relieving and I have not been the slightest bit sick. This is this time everything is getting back to normal or I should say the new normal for myself and most women during this stage. You are definitely starting to show at this point and you should feel amazing, you are less tired and your appetite is back on track. At least for my sake it is and I have to say my husband has been amazing since the beginning and I wouldn't trade it for the world nonetheless imagine this journey any more amazing has he has made it for me. During this time we have experienced a ton of beach time with some pretty amazing waves, I am a beach girl at heart and can spend hours on end soaking up the sun and swimming. Swimming also happens to be a great way to exercise during pregnancy so I have definitely been in my element. We have also spent a lot of time in what we call "The Cove" which there isn't waves and we can go out far pretty easy which is great to snorkel or just put on goggles and check out the sea life that's roaming around. We have found some fish and a field of hermit crabs below. We have been fishing and watching my little mermaid master boogie boarding, needless to say it has been memorable.